Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm Addicted...

to Pinterest.  I seriously could spend too much time there.  I have to limit myself.

I noticed that most of the outfits that I pinned were plainer tops with bright scarves.  Hmmm, I have a white scarf that I never wear and dyes that I use for yarns.  Hmmmm.  Bad things happen when I start with the hmmming.

White scarf, Salvation Army pot, gloves!!!
cooking... sorta looks like guts!!

And TaDa!!  A new scarf.  All it cost me was a few wrinkled noses from my daughters and their friends.  I added vinegar to set the color, and cooked vinegar is a bit stinky.

And since I am showing neck stuff, (does that even sound right????), I finished my Honey Cowl.  Oh my, this yarn is just the softest stuff.  It is Sunshine Yarns Luxury Sport!  I want to make more!!

Yes, I am sitting in the snow.  It wasn't too cold but I will have a wet hiney for a while.

And it was starting to soak through my pants!!  Awful picture!!!!

Happy Crafting!!


  1. Oh I love your scarf! LOL!! It does look like guts soaking in the dye! And your Honey Cowl looks amazing!!! What size did you make? I love your outside snow pictures! You must have been freezing!!! I hope you put on some dry clothes when you went inside =P

  2. Ok, I was thinking brain when I saw that pic..ewwwww. Very cool idea!
