Monday, September 17, 2012

Grandmother's Flower Garden and maybe I am a Beaver??

EEP, How I love thee.  I am amazed at how much I love doing this.  I have all sorts of visions of making lovely things..
then reality hits and I realize that it takes a freakin' long time to make just one flower!!

Polka dots are another love.  I keep scanning all the new fabric lines to see if they have little polka dots.   I'm trying to keep my sticky fingers off of all the other fabrics though!

Last post was all about food.  My obsessive need to put food away for the winter.

Maybe I'm a beaver, or a squirrel????

Us weird folk up here in Alaska always say you can tell how bad a winter is going to be by looking at how the Beaver is fixing up his dam.  If it is extra thick, an extra bad winter.  Well,  maybe I had better be looking for a beaver dam.  Last week Anchorage got hit with a winter storm.  Yes, last I looked it was September.  Rain, wind, wind and more wind.  My daughter was without power for 6 days.  130 mph winds will do that.  This last weekend was almost a repeat.  And now they are saying two more are on the way!!!

Maybe I knew it was coming, somewhere deep down inside??  hahaha
I sure hope this is not a prediction of things to come for this winter.  Last winter was bad enough.  At least I will have a bunch of yummy food to eat.  (note to self, get propane tanks refilled. Gotta have a way to cook it!)
And if I get busy maybe I can keep warm under a new quilt!!!!

Happy Crafting!!!


  1. I LOVE your flower blocks!!! You know I'm a big polka dot fan too, so these are extra yummy!!!! Keep canning girl and get those propane tanks filled!!!! I hope you don't get too much bad weather....gosh, it is only September! Be a beaver and get your house all secured LOL!!!

  2. I adore your flowers! They are gorgeous! I too seem to want to stock up and I don't have to trek out in anything near what you do. I have also been washing quilts in prep for power eating and TV watching :D
